Come January, once the Republicans control of the House of Representatives, Hunter Biden will become busy. The GOP has announced that they plan to begin investigating the several scandals that has plagued the crown prince of the Biden family.
NPR has reported, “Two top House Republicans — Rep. James Comer and Rep. Jim Jordan — who are expected to chair the House Oversight and Judiciary committees next year are planning to lay out the evidence they say they have gathered from whistleblowers that show President Biden’s son, Hunter, engaged in influence peddling and his father, potentially while serving as vice president, may have benefitted financially.
In a press conference on Thursday, Comer accused the Biden family of defrauding the United States, tax evasion, violating several laws and money laundering, among other accusations.
“The president’s participation in enriching his family is, in a word, abuse of the highest order,” Comer said. “I want to be clear: This is an investigation of Joe Biden, and that’s where our focus will be next Congress.”
Ahead of the press conference Comer said the evidence has never been “packaged together” and that his intention with laying out the information was to “make it very clear that from this point on, this is no longer the Hunter Biden investigation. This is the Joe Biden investigation.” He called Hunter Biden a “corrupt national security threat” — claiming his panel has evidence of relationships with Chinese, Russian and Ukrainian officials.”
Backed by his many liberal allies, especially now that it looks like his dad plans to run for president again, Hunter has announced he doesn’t intend to take these investigations sitting down.
He is going to go on the offensive and allegedly teaming up with Clinton hatchet man David Brock to do it.
The Washington Post is reporting that Hunter Biden recently called a meeting of all the liberal hacks he can think of to get them all in line to protect him from facing any responsibility for his actions.
The meeting was a glimpse into a sprawling infrastructure that is rapidly, almost frantically, assembling to combat Republicans’ plans to turn Hunter Biden into a major news story when the GOP takes over the House next year. The risk for Hunter Biden, and possibly for President Biden as well, is that this hodgepodge of efforts is not fully coordinating and does not share a unified approach, according to people involved in the effort who spoke on the condition of anonymity to discuss internal dynamics.
Hunter Biden has been working with Morris, his friend and sometime financial benefactor, and a team of researchers. The younger Biden has also hired several other lawyers — Chris Clark, who is handling a federal criminal investigation into his business dealings and other matters, along with a separate attorney, Joshua A. Levy, to deal directly with the House investigators.
Meanwhile, the White House and the Democratic National Committee have developed their own strategies for dealing with what could be a political firestorm around the president’s son. Bob Bauer, a former White House counsel under President Barack Obama, is set to represent President Biden in a personal capacity should the need arise. And a trio of Democratic-aligned outside groups has stepped up to provide rapid response and other communications.
Much of the Democratic pushback against the GOP investigators, especially from the party establishment, is expected to focus on their motivation. One Democratic-leaning group, the Congressional Integrity Project, has circulated a memo based on six online focus groups, arguing that swing voters already see the planned Republican investigations as “political stunts” intended to damage the president.
Note: WaPo here is admitting that Democrats don’t care about the corruption of the president, which should be a story in and of itself.
The leading defender on Team Hunter is his “sugar brother,” Kevin Morris, who paid two million dollars to cover the son of the president deciding not to pay his taxes.
CBS News has noted that Morris is working on a documentary about Hunter Biden’s life. We’re not sure if he’s going to talk about his life as a junky who confused Parmesan cheese for cocaine, a Ukrainian energy executive, an absentee father of a daughter our “family man” president has refused to acknowledge, or if he’ll just focus on the affair he had with his late-brother’s widow and his sparsely-attended art shows.
“Hunter’s attorney and friend Kevin Morris suggested at the meeting the suits be filed against Fox News, Eric Trump and Rudy Giuliani, along with a probe into the repairman who handed over his laptop,” according to The Daily Mail.
“Claimants sue for defamation if they believe someone has damaged their reputation, with it unclear what Hunter has taken issue with in coverage of his shady past.
Morris told the group he was crucial for Hunter’s camp to be more aggressive and also ‘outlined extensive research on two potential witnesses against Hunter Biden – spurned business partner Tony Bobulinsky and computer repairman John Paul Mac Isaac, who turned over his laptop to the FBI.”
John Paul Mac Isaac recently announced that he was suing Joe Biden’s presidential campaign for defamation after they claimed he was “Russian disinformation.”
October was a particularly bad month for the president’s son. NCP reported, “In yet another example of corruption related to the crown prince of the Biden family, Hunter Biden‘s real estate company received a $100 million cash infusion from the billionaire widow of a major Putin ally, allowing her to buy property all over the United States.
“A real estate company with ties to first son Hunter Biden received more than $100 million from a Russian billionaire for property investments across the US that date back a decade,” sources told The New York Post.
“The hefty cash injections into Rosemont Realty,” the newspaper wrote, “came from Elena Baturina — one of Russia’s wealthiest women, the widow of the former mayor of Moscow, and a close ally of Moscow tyrant Vladimir Putin, the sources said.”
The Daily Mail, which first broke the story, wrote, “The relationship between the president’s son and Yelena Baturina, the billionaire widow of a corrupt Moscow mayor, has already been flagged as alarming by a Senate report after she mysteriously wired $3.5 million to a company linked to Hunter.”
Even without the GOP investigations, rumors have already been circulating that the FBI had so much evidence against Hunter Biden that they could no longer avoid not charging the president’s son with various crimes.
The next Congress, controlled by Republicans, will start on January 3, 2023. Expect investigations to be announced shortly thereafter.
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