Last week, Joe Biden threw a hissy fit because the Supreme Court ruled that elite universities that accept federal funds, like Harvard, could no longer discriminate against Asian Americans based on race.
“President Joe Biden slammed the Supreme Court’s ruling undercutting affirmative action programs in higher education during a speech at the White House on Thursday,” noted Politico.
“‘This is not a normal court,’ Biden said in response to a question from a reporter following his remarks.
‘The truth is, we all know it, discrimination still exists in America … today’s decision does not change that,’ Biden said during his White House speech. He proposed ‘a new standard,’ within the college admissions process, ‘where colleges take into account the adversity a student has overcome,’ and pledged to have the Department of Education look into ways to promote diversity within the country’s education system.
In the 6-3 opinion written by Chief Justice John Roberts, the court found that the universities discriminated against white and Asian American applicants by using race-conscious admissions policies that benefited applicants from underrepresented backgrounds.”
During his tirade, the president also attacked legacy admissions, suggestng that universities rethink the practice and saying legacy admissions “expand privilege instead of opportunity.”
If there’s anyone who should know, it’s Joe Biden has used his influence as vice president and president to get his family members into prestigious universities. Most recently, he interjected himself to the admission of his granddaughter, Maisy Biden, at the University of Pennsylvania.
The Washington Free Beacon noted that the saga highlights exactly the kind of ‘legacy admissions’ that the president attacked as unjust and reveals yet more ethically dubious connections between the Biden (Crime?) Family and the University of Pennsylvania.
Maisy Biden was never much of a student. But she had her sights set on the University of Pennsylvania, whose 5.9 percent acceptance rate made it one of the most exclusive schools in the country.
“I applied early decision to Penn today!!” Maisy Biden texted Hunter Biden on October 31.
Just two days later, Maisy asked her father for an update on her application. In the coming months, Hunter and Joe Biden would mount a full-court press on university administrators to get Maisy’s application over the finish line. The Bidens took their case directly to the top: University of Pennsylvania president Amy Gutmann.
On December 13, 2018, the elder Biden texted Hunter that he was “going to try to see [University of Pennsylvania] Pres GUTMANN tomorrow.” Two days later, Joe Biden told Hunter Biden that he “had a great talk with Guttman [sic].”
“Maisy still in the game for regular acceptance. But must do well in class this period. It’s real,” Joe Biden wrote on December 15. “We should talk about tutors etc starting tomorrow.”
In May, of course, the president and First Lady attended Maisy’s graduation from the University of Pennsylvania. He had previously delivered the commencement address at the university in 2013.
The relationship between the Ivy League university in Philadelphia and Joe Biden has been fraught with controversy. Local outlets reported that the president “lived the life of his dreams after leaving the vice-president’s office in 2016 as he kept getting handsomely paid by the University of Pennsylvania, for never teaching a class. Biden became an honorary professor at the Philadelphia School in 2017 and didn’t leave the position until becoming the president in 2021. However, the University of Pennsylvania granted him an unpaid leave of absence as soon as he announced the run for the presidency in 2019. As per the report, Biden was paid nearly $1 million between 2017 and 2019. He was paid $371,159 in 2017 and $540,484 in 2018 and 2019.”
He never taught a class at the university.
To make matters worse, The Biden Center for Diplomacy and Global Engagement has been labeled a “dark money nightmare” because it received millions of dollars from communist China in the form of “anonymous” donors. The money, of course, was steered to the university by Hunter, and the office on campus was identified as one of the places where the president stashed classified documents.
Following the president’s son funneling money from his shady foreign contacts, Hunter demanded access to the campus office holding the documents. He claimed he was using the think tank as part of his plan for “wealth creation.”
James Comer, the chairman of the House Oversight Committee, has claimed that Hunter used his access to the documents to share them with associates from outside of the country.
Maisy not being smart enough to get admitted on her own might soon be the least of UPenn’s problems stemming from their tight connection to the Bidens.
Biden’s stance on the ruling from the Supreme Court is completely out of step with the public. An ABC News/Ipsos survey found that 52 percent of Americans think with the decision to overturn race-based admissions was the right call, whereas only 32 percent disagreed with the ruling.
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