Joe Biden has a way of rewarding those who will brazenly lie for him. Yesterday NCP noted that Biden is doling out taxpayer funding to journalists who will do his bidding to bully conservatives online. He also recently appointed Democratic hatchet men who lied about the “Russian Hoax” and perpetrated a lie to protect his 2020 campaign from being tarnished by the discovery of his son’s shady business deals to a DHS task force on counterterrorism.
Breitbart reports that the Department of Homeland Security Secretary Alejando Mayorkas said Tuesday that he had named Russia collusion hoaxers and Hunter Biden laptop deniers John Brennan and James Clapper to an intelligence “experts” panel.
In a statement, Mayorkas announced “the establishment of the Homeland Intelligence Experts Group (Experts Group) … comprised of private sector experts who will provide their unique perspectives on the federal government’s intelligence enterprise to DHS’s [Intelligence and Analysis] and the Office of the Counterterrorism Coordinator.”
The group will analyze “foreign nation-state adversaries” as well as “domestic violent extremists.”
Brennan, a former CIA director, and Clapper, a former Director of National Intelligence, were key players in spreading the “Russia collusion” hoax to discredit the 2016 election, with Clapper telling CNN that it was possible there was evidence linking Russia to Trump, then admitting under oath that he knew of no evidence.
Brennan claimed that Trump’s protestations of innocence were “hogwash,” though Special Counsel Robert Mueller later found that no American, including on the Trump campaign, had colluded with Russia in the 2016 election.
As Election Day 2020 neared and news of Hunter Biden’s laptop revealing a plethora of corruption by the Biden Crime? Family was revealed, Clapper and Brennan joined in signing a letter approved by over 50 national security and intelligence alumni that claimed, wrongly, that the stories about Hunter Biden’s laptop were a product of Russian disinformation.
The disinformation, actual disinformation, not perceived kind pushed by liberals to justify censorship, was arranged then by the current Secretary of State Anthony Blinken. The Washington Free Beacon reported that “former CIA deputy director Michael Morell told the House Judiciary Committee in a closed-door interview that he organized a group of 50 former intelligence officials to sign the letter after discussions with Sec. of State Tony Blinken, who served on the Biden campaign. Republicans on the committee revealed details of the interview Thursday, in a letter to Blinken which claims the Biden campaign’s actions “had the effect of helping to suppress the Hunter Biden story and preventing American citizens from making a fully informed decision during the 2020 presidential election.”
Morell said Blinken contacted him on Oct. 17, 2020, to discuss a New York Post story that revealed emails from the younger Biden’s abandoned laptop. The ex-spy also said Blinken sent him an article that said the FBI was investigating whether the laptop was part of a ‘disinformation campaign.’ Morell said that Blinken’s outreach ‘triggered’ him to draft a letter that dismissed the release of the emails as a probable Russian disinformation operation. He forwarded it to former CIA Director John Brennan and others to sign.
Morell, who was reportedly on Biden’s short-list for CIA director, said the Biden team helped strategize the letter’s release. He testified the campaign told him they wanted to provide the letter to the Washington Post. The document was ultimately provided to Politico, which published it on Oct. 19 with the headline, ‘Hunter Biden story is Russian disinfo, dozens of former intel officials say.’
There is no evidence that Russia was involved in the release of Biden’s emails, which shed light on his business dealings with China and his struggles with alcohol and drug addiction. A computer shop owner has said that he provided copies of Biden’s laptop to reporters after Biden abandoned it at his store in 2019.”
[This is not the first time Biden has appointed cronies to positions involved in national security]
Both Clapper and Brennan have been accused of lying to Congress about the way the intelligence community spies on regular Americans. The former Director of National Intelligence, James Clapper.
Jonathan Turley noted in 2018 that “Clapper appeared before the Senate to discuss surveillance programs in the midst of a controversy over warrantless surveillance of the American public. He was asked directly, “Does the NSA collect any type of data at all on millions, or hundreds of millions of Americans?” There was no ambiguity or confusion and Clapper responded, ‘No, sir. … Not wittingly.’ That was a lie and Clapper knew it when he said it.
Later, Clapper said that his testimony was “the least untruthful” statement he could make. That would still make it a lie of course but Clapper is a made guy. While feigned shock and disgust, most Democratic leaders notably did not call for his prosecution. Soon Clapper was back testifying and former president Obama even put Clapper on a federal panel to review the very programs that he lied about in Congress. Clapper is now regularly appearing on cable shows which, for example, used Clapper’s word as proof that Trump was lying in saying that there was surveillance of Trump Tower carried out by President Barack Obama. CNN and other networks used Clapper’s assurance without ever mentioning that he previously lied about surveillance programs.”
The lack of prosecution caused Turley to point out an early version of the two-tiered system of justice enjoyed by Democrats in Washington. He continued: “The expiration of the statute of limitations for Clapper will have the benefit of conclusively establishing that some people in this city are above the law….The problem is not that the perjury statute is never enforced. Rather it is enforced against people without allies in government. Thus, Roger Clemens was prosecuted for untrue statements before Congress. He was not given the option of giving the ‘least untruthful’ answer.”
In 2014, John Brennan lied about the CIA accessing the computers of United States Senators in an attempt to thwart an investigation, denying it ever happened.
After factual evidence to the contrary came to light, The Washington Post reported, “CIA Director John O. Brennan has apologized to leaders of the Senate Intelligence Committee after an agency investigation determined that its employees improperly searched computers used by committee staff to review classified files on interrogations of prisoners. {…}
A statement released by the CIA on Tuesday acknowledged that agency employees had searched areas of that computer network that were supposed to be accessible only to committee investigators. Agency employees were attempting to discover how congressional aides had obtained a secret CIA internal report on the interrogation program.
‘Some employees acted in a manner inconsistent with the common understanding reached’ between the CIA and lawmakers in 2009, when the committee investigation was launched, according to the agency statement, which cited a review by the CIA’s inspector general. The CIA statement was first reported by McClatchy.
That committee’s investigation is said to be sharply critical of the CIA, finding that it exaggerated the effectiveness of harsh interrogation measures and repeatedly misled members of Congress and the executive branch. The findings are expected to be released publicly within weeks.
After briefing committee leaders, Brennan “apologized to them for such actions by CIA officers as described in the [inspector general] report,” the agency statement said.”
Lying to the American public and abusing their power does not matter to this president. The only thing that does is the deceitful letter about Hunter to help Biden reach the finish line. To the victors go the spoils, no matter how rotten.
[Read More: Biden Spending Millions To Help ‘Traumatized’ Media Hacks]