In February, Congresswoman Rashida Tlaib and her sister Layla Elabed urged Michigan Democrats to vote “uncommitted” in the state’s primary through their Listen to Michigan campaign. The campaign aimed to protest Biden’s policies on the Israel-Hamas conflict. The result sent shivers down the spines of the White House when over 100,000 Michiganders followed her lead.
At the time, however, the two also wanted to be clear: they’d still likely vote for Biden in the fall.
So much for that.
Over the weekend, the only Palestinian in Congress attended a conference tied to terrorist groups and urged the crowd to create a “red line” for Biden related to Israel’s war against Hamas.
Calling him an “enabler of genocide,” The Washington Examiner reports, Tlaib has changed her mind. She now thinks anti-Israel supporters in the Democratic Party should tank Biden’s chances in the general election too.
“Each year, our country, and I say our country because it is our country, sends billions of dollars to maintain an apartheid government and support the ongoing ethnic cleansing of Palestinians,” Tlaib told the People’s Conference for Palestine in Detroit on Saturday.
“It is disgraceful that the Biden administration and my colleagues in Congress continue to smear them for protesting to save lives, no matter faith or ethnicity,” she said, mentioning pro-Gaza and -Palestinian demonstrators. “It is cowardly, but we’re not gonna forget November, are we?”
“The International Court of Justice just ruled that the Israeli government must stop its invasion of Rafah, but President Biden says what’s happening [in Gaza] is not a genocide,” the congresswoman said. “Where’s your red line, President Biden?”
“Attacking the authority of the International Criminal Court and interfering in the legal process is nothing more, nothing more than an attempt to prevent the genocidal maniac Netanyahu and his senior Israeli officials from being held accountable for those crimes against humanity,” she added. “You are an enabler, President Biden.”
Tlaib’s attendance at the conference should be a reminder that her “hatred of Jews and her admiration for political violence has no limiting principle,” wrote Seth Mandel at Commentary.
“Tlaib was the surprise guest speaker at the People’s Conference for Palestine, which was endorsed by and has ties to the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine. The Marxist PFLP is a designated foreign terrorist organization, which is reason enough to denounce Tlaib’s collaboration with the conference. But the PFLP’s relevance to this particular moment in history is even more important.
The PFLP was created in the late 1960s and worked with other international terrorist groups abroad. Its most famous attack was its hijacking of an Air France passenger jet in 1976. The hijackers diverted the plane to Entebbe, Uganda, site of the incredible Israeli rescue mission during which Yonatan Netanyahu, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s brother, was killed.
That is the background for Rashida Tlaib’s appearance at a conference with ties to the PFLP.
Even without that background, Tlaib’s appearance would have been grotesque. As the Jerusalem Post reports, PFLP activist Wisam Rafeedie was on the agenda as a workshop speaker. The conference keynote speaker was Sana Daqqah, the wife of the late PFLP terrorist Walid Daqqah, who led a cell that kidnapped, tortured, and then murdered Israeli Moshe Tamam in 1984. From the Jewish Chronicle: ‘Tamam’s killers gouged out his eyes, mutilated his body and castrated him before taking him to an olive grove and shooting him dead, according to reports at the time.’
The Jerusalem Post details the cheers heard around the room for Iran’s recent missile attack on Israel as well as praise for of other terrorists. One panel’s moderator said: ‘In the past eight months, we’ve seen incredible images of victory—from witnessing the families of political prisoners reunite with, and embrace their loved ones for the first time in years, to scenes of our heroic people breaking down the siege that has suffocated the Gaza Strip for 17 years.'”
On top of her attacks against Biden, Tlaib also used her speech to repeat long-debunked claims about Israel’s supposed child murder and mass graves. This wasn’t the first time she’s used her platform to lie about the actions of Israel. Last year, she was one of the loudest voices spouting the lie that Israel bombed a hospital that has actually been bombed by one of Hamas’s allies.
They’re never going to forgive Joe Biden for not being entirely anti-Israel, but that isn’t going to stop the White House from trying anyway.
[Read More: Biden Corrections Lead To Wild Speculation]