
AOC Being Protested For Not Being Anti-Israel Enough


Last week, leftwing opposition to Israel attacked the homes of Jewish board members of the Brooklyn Museum.

CNN reported that five homes, three in Manhattan and two in Brooklyn, were vandalized.

“The images shared by Lander show the entryway of a home with its front doors and windows splattered in red paint and a sign hanging in the entrance filled with red handprints that reads, ‘Anne Pasternak Brooklyn Museum White Supremacist Zionist.’”

Pasternak is the Brooklyn Museum’s director.

Additionally, red inverted triangles were painted on the windows and doors of the home, a symbol used by the military wing of Hamas in the recent conflict in Gaza to indicate Israeli military targets, according to the Anti-Defamation League. The symbol, sometimes used in the form of an emoji, is used in some cases to “signify support for violent Palestinian resistance against Israel.”

Now, the pro-Hamas liberals have turned their attention to their local Democratic members of Congress. The Daily Caller writes that Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez has gotten a little taste of her own medicine.

The pro-Palestinian group Within Our Lifetime plans to protest Democratic New York Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s campaign rally Saturday in the Bronx, the group announced on Twitter.

The group spread flyers for an event called “Flood The Bronx For Gaza,” where they announced they’ll be protesting Ocasio-Cortez‘s planned campaign rally. Their flyer takes aim at the self-described democratic socialist for endorsing Joe Biden for President, claiming “endorsing Biden is endorsing genocide.”


The flyer featured photos of Ocasio-Cortez and her political allies who will be campaigning with her in the Bronx: Independent Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders and Democratic New York Rep. Jamaal Bowman.

The protest of the New York congresswoman comes as she has been one of the most outspoken supporters of the anti-Israel demonstrations across college campuses throughout the United States.  

In March, Ocasio-Cortez predicted that a “genocide” was occurring in Gaza and that “a famine that is being intentionally precipitated through the blocking of food and global humanitarian assistance by leaders in the Israeli government.”

Of course, this was nonsense, reported The National Post.

“One of the core supporting elements of the famine claim was a report produced in March by the Integrated Food Security Phase Classification (IPC), a United Nations-backed project to gauge food insecurity in various parts of the world that’s partially funded by the Canadian government.

It claimed that a famine was imminent, spurring a senior UN official to opine that the alleged famine was ‘human-made’ and ‘entirely preventable.’ Even supposedly credible humanitarian organizations lazily regurgitated the claims. Except there was never a famine, nor anything close to it.

While the IPC report garnered global headlines in March, in early June, the organization produced a follow-up study that has curiously attracted virtually no media coverage.

The authors of the new study, in sharp contrast to alleging an impending famine, admit that the March report “relied on multiple layers of assumptions and inference, beginning with food availability and access in northern Gaza and continuing through nutritional status and mortality.” The organization has now backed away from predicting an imminent famine.”

Despite doing everything possible to placate them, including spending hundreds of millions on a disastrous pier in Gaza and downplaying the obvious antisemitism in their ranks, Biden and his allies like AOC will never be forgiven for not hating Israel by the left.

[Read More: Biden Blames Videos Showing Him In Public For People Thinking He’s Senile]

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