
Biden Plans Biggest Amnesty Yet As Hispanics Flock To Trump

[Voice of America, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons]

At some point, it’s just contempt for the American people.

Americans have told pollsters for months that the increase of illegal immigration, along with inflation, are the two top two issues that they care about the most, but it looks like the public may have to be more specific. When the White House reads the polls, it appears to believe that Americans rank it so highly because they want more illegal immigration, at least if they let their actions do the talking.  

According to new reports, the Biden administration is preparing to unveil one of the most significant immigration relief programs in recent history. CBS News says that President No One Is Above The Law is planning to bypass Congress and proclaim that some people are above the law.  

A program being developed by White House officials would offer work permits and deportation protections to unauthorized immigrants married to U.S. citizens, as long as they have lived in the U.S. for at least 10 years, the sources said, requesting anonymity to talk about internal government plans.

The proposal, known as “Parole in Place,” would also open up a pathway to permanent legal status and U.S. citizenship for some beneficiaries by removing an obstacle in U.S. law that prevents those who entered the U.S. illegally from obtaining green cards without leaving the country.

Another plan being prepared by the Biden administration would streamline the process for so-called DREAMers and other undocumented immigrants to request waivers that would make it easier for them to obtain temporary visas, such as H-1B visas for high-skilled workers, the sources said.

The measures, the sources added, could be announced as early as Tuesday, but a plan has not been finalized by the administration. White House officials are preparing to host an event Tuesday to celebrate the 12th anniversary of the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program, which shields roughly 530,000 undocumented immigrants brought to the U.S. as children from deportation.

he plan may be a sign that Biden, or more likely, his handlers, think that this could be their last chance to grant amnesty before they lose in November. The Republican frontrunner recently crossed the 51 percent mark in 538’s projections for the fall, despite initially taking a hit from the Democratic attempt to undermine his campaign by ginning up a guilty verdict in New York.

Trump recently made waves by announcing that he will deliver the “largest mass deportation effort in American history” when he’s back in the White House in 2025.

The New York Post wrote, “The 45th president has frequently spoken about his deportation agenda, and recently indicated in a TIME Magazine interview that he would leverage local law enforcement, the National Guard and the military to carry out his plan — similar to the dragnet-style sweeps of “Operation Wetback” under former President Dwight Eisenhower that shipped more than 1 million migrants out in 1954.

The Trump 2024 campaign has not gotten into the details of what resources would be needed to find, detain and deport the ‘nearly 20 million’ illegal migrants they say are currently in the US.

But carrying out an operation that large would require a massive expansion of Immigration and Customs Enforcement, collaboration with the State Department and a boost in funding from Congress, former ICE officials tell The Post.”

While liberals believe that illegal immigration is an issue that helps them with the Hispanic vote, recent polling has shown that American Latinos side with Trump.

Axios noted that “42 percent of Latino adults surveyed said they support building a wall or fence along the entire U.S.–Mexico border. That’s a 12-point jump from December 2021.

38 percent support sending all undocumented immigrants in the U.S. back to their country of origin — up from 28% in 2021.

In addition, 64 percent of Latinos said they support giving the president the authority to shut U.S. borders if there are too many immigrants trying to enter the country. It was the first time the survey asked this question.”

Recently, the Trump campaign made a “rebrand” to help its Latino outreach for Election Day, explained NBC News. Trump’s campaign has renamed its Hispanic outreach “Latino Americans for Trump.”

Jaime Florez, the Hispanic communications director for the Republican National Committee and the Trump campaign, clarified that the switch from “Latinos for Trump” to “Latino Americans for Trump” emphasized that Latinos are American.

“It’s very important that we all understand that no matter where we’re coming from, we’re already American,” Florez said, explaining the name change. “Whether you’re African American, Latino American, Asian American, European American, wherever you come from, we are all American.”

He continued, “We as Latinos want to be treated as what we are. We are already American. This is our country,” Florez said. “We came here to stay, we came here to pursue our American dream, we have our families here, and we have our future in the United States. … Trump gave us the opportunity to feel more united with the idea of working together to make America great again.”

[Read More: Hunter Biden In Full Retreat]


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