
Kamala Harris Criticizes Hostage Rescue, Gets Interrupted By Pro-Palestine Anyway

[U.S. Senate, Public Domain, Via Wikimedia]

In April, while participating in an event celebrating his version of the Green New Deal with leftwing member of Congress Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Joe Biden had one some critics called his “Charlottesville Moment.”

He essentially shared that while he supports Israel, Hamas, the terrorist group that launched the largest terror attack since 9-11, has a point.

Hot Air explained: “President Biden’s campaign announcement video in 2019 began with two words – Charlottesville, Virginia. Biden said he felt compelled to run against then-President Trump because of the white supremacist rally in Charlottesville.

Biden slammed Trump for a quote taken out of context. The quote has to do with there being ‘very fine people on both sides’ but the Democrat talking point quickly became that Trump said white supremacists were good people. Democrats still cough up that trope to this day, including Joe Biden.’

As universities have been forced to remote learning out of fear for the safety of their Jewish students, Biden could not solely condemn the antisemitism sprawling across American colleges. Instead, he effectively said what Trump said after Charlottesville: 

‘I condemn the antisemitic protests,’ Biden tells reporters. ‘I also condemn those who don’t understand what’s going on with the Palestinians.’”

The cynical comments suggested just how beholden Biden has become on the votes of the so-called “Hamas Caucus” of his party, the anti-Israel voters in the swing states of Michigan and Minnesota.

As the war has continued to progress, Hamas has rejected several offers for a ceasefire, the Biden campaign has leaned more and more toward throwing its weight behind the terrorist group, and over the weekend Vice President Kamala Harris signaled recently that Democrats have come to see terrorists kidnapping civilians as morally equivalent to Israel fighting to get them back, writes Fox News.

Vice President Harris mourned the Palestinians who were killed in a successful Israeli hostage rescue operation this weekend during an address delivered Saturday.

The Israeli operation retrieved four hostages who were taken into Gaza by Hamas on Oct. 7. Harris, speaking before the Michigan Democratic Party, celebrated their retrieval but spent more time lamenting the deaths of Palestinians killed in the operation, many of whom Israel has described as terrorists.

“Before I begin, I just say a few words about the morning which I know weighs heavily on all of our hearts,” she said.

“On Oct. 7, Hamas committed a brutal massacre of 1,200 innocent people and abducted 250 hostages,” she continued. “Thankfully, four of those hostages were reunited with their families tonight. And we mourn all of the innocent lives that have been lost in Gaza, including those tragically killed today.”

Noa Argamani, 25, Almog Meir Jan, 21, Andrey Kozlov, 27, and Shlomi Ziv, 40, were rescued by the Israeli military, intelligence and special forces from two separate locations in Nuseirat, the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) said Saturday.

Argamani’s rescue is especially uplifting for Israel. During the attack, she was seen reaching out her arm and screaming, “Please don’t kill me,” as terrorists drove her away on a motorbike in one of the most widely-shared videos from the attack.

Hamas claimed that over 250 “civilians” died during the raid, but other experts said the number was closer to 100 and that “civilian” does not have the same context that most people think when they hear the term.

Israel has long claimed that Hamas intentionally keeps the hostages in a “civilian environment.” They also said even the Palestinians who were holding the hostages were also “civilians.”

Three of the hostages were being held by a “civilian” journalist who wrote for Al Jazeera.

The White House has made a huge attempt to show sympathy for Hamas, including spending hundreds of millions of taxpayer dollars to build a pier for “humanitarian aid” that fell apart within days of construction.

Those efforts have been in vain, however. During her speech, and despite sharing sympathies for those killed while holding Israelis hostage, the vice president was still shouted down by pro-Palestine protesters.

There’s one thing that’s clear: The “Hamas Caucus” will never forgive Joe Biden.

[Read More: Biden Money Scheme Unveiled] 

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