
Kamala Harris Hires Pro-Riot Staffer As ‘Defund The Police’ Interview Is Unearthed

[Elvert Barnes, CC BY-SA 2.0 , via Wikimedia Commons]

Kamala Harris appears to enjoy surrounding herself with radicals who push violence and a new interview uncovered by CNN may reveal why.

The New York Post reports that Ana Cherée Rice, the lead designer for Kamala Harris’s campaign, has a troubling history of supporting political violence. Rice, who showcases her pronouns and commitment to diversity, inclusion, and equity on her professional social media pages, has been found promoting extreme political violence and showing sympathy for communism, despite working for the Democratic Party.

During the violent BLM-Antifa riots and arson attacks in Minneapolis following George Floyd’s death in May 2020, Rice made a series of incendiary posts on her then-Twitter account, urging her comrades to “burn all that sh— down.” On May 29, 2020, she was detained by the NYPD at a riot in New York City.

Rice continued to advocate for arson and violence as the unrest spread to various cities. In June 2020, she posted: “[B]urn that sh— down, Atlanta.” Similar sentiments were expressed regarding the unrest in Kenosha, Wisconsin, after the police shooting of Jacob Blake, where Rice urged, “[B]urn all that sh— down, Kenosha.”

Rice repeatedly urged for arson attacks and violence in 2020 as the riots spread to different cities and states, but she’ll likely fit in well with the Harris campaign.

Rice should fit right in with Kamala Harris and her staff, however. During the rioting in Minneapolis following the death of George Floyd, Harris encouraged her supporters to donate to a bail fund that would spring the rioters from jail.

Harris is currently being slammed by the Trump campaign for her persistent support for violence in 2020, writes America’s News Desk.

The Daily Caller first received a copy of the video, “which Trump will unveil at his rally in St. Cloud. The video specifically highlights a number of these criminals who were bailed out by the Minnesota Freedom Fund and the media coverage detailing Harris’s support of the bail fund, which has continued to haunt her as Americans are deeply concerned about violent crime.

Harris’s support for the MFF is still live on Act Blue as of today, encouraging donations for the bail fund with a photo of her face. Her Twitter and Facebook pages also share the link. The Daily Caller News Foundation originally reported that the MFF bailed out six men accused of domestic violence, a man accused of sexually penetrating a child, and a man who allegedly stomped on his victim’s head.

Harris has previously shown her support for the defund the police movement and her current communications director, Brian Fallon, tweeted “defund the police” in 2020. Meanwhile, the Harris campaign has been pushing the ‘prosecutor vs felon’ narrative as a dig at Trump.”

CNN recently uncovered a radio interview from 2020 in which the vice president “voiced support” for defunding the police “amidst nationwide protests for police reform, just months before denouncing the movement after she had joined the Biden presidential campaign.

Harris said in the June radio interview the movement ‘rightly’ called out the amount of money spent on police departments instead of community services such as education, housing, and healthcare, emphasizing that more police did not equate to more public safety.

‘This whole movement is about rightly saying, we need to take a look at these budgets and figure out whether it reflects the right priorities,’ Harris said on a New York-based radio program “Ebro in the Morning‘ on June 9, 2020, adding that US cities were ‘militarizing police’ but ‘defunding public schools.’

Harris made her comments just weeks after the murder of George Floyd by a Minneapolis police officer galvanized the “defund” movement among progressive activists. At the time, Harris was six months removed from ending her own presidential campaign and was still two months away from being tapped as Joe Biden’s vice presidential nominee.

In an interview a day earlier, Harris also lauded Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti for his decision to slash $150 million from the police budget and move it into social services.”

Cities all over the country, controlled by leftwing Democrats, have scrambled over the past few years after their leaders cut police funding, which led unsurprisingly to an increase in crime.

The Financial Times reported in 2022 that “after years of decline, violent crime has begun to surge in LA. Last year, there were 397 homicides in the city, the most since 2006, and the trend has continued this yearOther violent crimes, including rape and aggravated assault, are also trending higher.”

Many are likely to consider being in favor of defunding the police as an automatic disqualifier for the presidency.

[Read More: Key Player In Russian Hoax Paid By Biden Administration]

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