
Katie Couric Says Dems Need To Beware Of What’s Happening To Their Party

[The Heart Truth, CC BY-SA 2.0 , via Wikimedia Commons

The relationship between the Democratic Party and working-class voters has become increasingly strained. Historically, Democrats were seen as the champions of the working class, but recent trends indicate a significant shift in voter allegiance. This article explores the factors contributing to this change and the steps Democrats must take to reconnect with this critical voter base.

The Democratic Party once had a stronghold on working-class support, particularly through the mid-20th century. Key policies promoting labor rights, social welfare, and economic equality resonated with blue-collar workers. However, this bond has weakened over the decades due to evolving party dynamics and shifting political landscapes.

Now, famously liberal Katie Couric is warning Democrats that their support may fall off a cliff, saying they’ve become the party of the rich, writes The New York Post.

Former NBC “Today” show host Katie Couric warned this week that Democrats have “kind of lost” working class voters and urged the party to “do better” to regain their trust before the November election.

“I think that there needs to be a greater connection between the working class and the Democratic Party because, let’s face it…the Democrats have kind of lost the working class,” Couric told former Obama White House deputy chief of staff Alyssa Mastromonaco on the “Hysteria” podcast.

“It was never that way during all my years of covering politics,” Couric added. “You had the head of the Teamsters at the RNC, you have people buying into this notion that Republicans care about dinner table issues much more than Democrats. And these narratives, I think, have become too deeply entrenched about liberal college-educated elites who are

Katie Couric’s comments coincide with UAW President Shawn Fain’s appeal to Kamala Harris to select a pro-labor Democrat as her vice presidential candidate.

In an interview with The Detroit News, Fain expressed concerns about certain labor-related stances of Arizona U.S. Sen. Mark Kelly and Pennsylvania Gov. Josh Shapiro. Kelly’s initial reluctance to support the Protecting the Right to Organize Act (PRO Act), which aims to strengthen collective bargaining rights, troubled labor advocates, despite his eventual endorsement. Shapiro’s support for school vouchers, which funnel public funds to private schools, also raised alarms for the UAW.

Fain told the newspaper that UAW has urged Harris to pick either Kentucky Gov. Andy Beshear or Minnesota Governor Tim Walz. Both governors have demonstrated strong support for labor and working-class issues, he claimed, making them favorable choices in the eyes of the UAW. Fain particularly praised Beshear, describing him as the best candidate for the union due to his consistent advocacy for labor rights.

Trump has done his best to make inroads with union workers over the years and hammered Fain’s leadership at the Republican National Convention.

“The United Auto Workers ought to be ashamed for allowing this to happen,” Trump said at the GOP convention last month. “And the leader of the United Auto Workers should be fired immediately. And every single auto worker, union and non-union, should be voting for Donald Trump.”

Fan has come under investigation recently for corruption. New Conservative Post reported that “elected in 2023, Shawn Fain the president of the United Auto Workers union, has served as a leftwing apparatchik the Joe Biden, trying to help him undermine Donald Trump’s growing appeal with union workers….now Fain is facing in investigation for abusing his power.”  

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